Category: News

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR successfully moves on to the next phase of the MITEF Greece startup competition.  As MIT Enterprise Forum Greece announced yesterday, 25 Semifinalists, among them 3asyR, have been selected to participate in seminars on business management that will last for three months. The Semifinalists cover a wide range of sectors as for example Internet and […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The team of 3asyR wishes you a happy and creative new year. Full of love, health, new fresh ideas and many happy moments. Let’s spread the hope and care for each other!  

Inspiring teachers – Angelos Patsias

Inspiring teachers – Angelos Patsias

 Angelos  Patsias is the teacher that everyone would like to have. He is cool, pleasant, passionate and loves children a lot. What else would a kid want from his/her teacher? Love and understanding. I first met him at TEDxThessaloniki back in 2013, where he presented the work he did in Fourfoura, Crete. This year, he is […]

One year 3asyR!

One year 3asyR!

Oh my, it’s been already a year since this wonderful journey started. It is such a joy to see people believing in you every day and every little step enables me to share my dream with all of you. When the idea was born in 2014, everything seemed so distant, but looking back now makes […]

Best Business plan award

Best Business plan award

A year after the first prize and long research and struggles, 3asyR received its second prize, this time for Best Business Plan idea, product of countless hours of work along with my team: Alex Binopoulos, developer, Vasiliki Chrysovitsioti, graphic designer and Martin I. Petrov, Press and PR officer. By succeeding in all three phases of the “Mary and John […]

Yes You Can- My TEDx Speech

Yes You Can- My TEDx Speech

  It was one of the most important moments of my life. The first TEDx Patras that took place on November 1st 2014 and was marked with a great success, inspired me to go a step further. Special thanks for the invitation and the great work of all the organisers, my fellow speakers and the […]

Best Wep App award

Best Wep App award

It was beginning of May 2014, when in a conversation with my friend Kyros Voyatzoglou, a marketing expert, I mentioned an idea about an online tool that would help dyslexics read easier only. He got interested and suggested I should take part in a  competition that was taking place a few days after. It was the first time I […]