The new Version of 3asyR is here!

The new Version of 3asyR is here!

3asyR has renewed its website that is now more user-friendly and easier to walk through. In the website you can find a detailed description of the tool’s options, a guide of how 3asyR works and a pricing table. Along with the website, 3asyR launches the new version of the plug in with enhanced and more […]

3asyR and Innoetics come together!

3asyR and Innoetics come together!

We are happy to announce that 3asyR has cooperated with Innoetics, a team of experts in the Text to Speech technology to provide its users with more options in order to enhance your online reading experience and make it even easier and even more enjoyable. The Text to Speech option offered by Innoetics has a […]

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR successfully moves on to the next phase of the MITEF Greece startup competition.  As MIT Enterprise Forum Greece announced yesterday, 25 Semifinalists, among them 3asyR, have been selected to participate in seminars on business management that will last for three months. The Semifinalists cover a wide range of sectors as for example Internet and […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The team of 3asyR wishes you a happy and creative new year. Full of love, health, new fresh ideas and many happy moments. Let’s spread the hope and care for each other!  

‘I was looking for a reading tool and I decided to create it’

‘I was looking for a reading tool and I decided to create it’

Source: Neos Kosmos, Melbourne,  Australia 07/09/2016 From Nikos Fotakis Mary Tsiana explains how she came up with 3asyR, a web plug-in that makes reading easier for dyslexics For most people, being dyslexic means missing out on opportunity. Mary Tsiana did the exact opposite. She used her dyslexia as an opportunity to create a tool that would […]

A dyslexic student who’s going to be a teacher!

A dyslexic student who’s going to be a teacher!

Britt Lippens is a 21 year old final year student in preschool education from Belgium. Being a dyslexic was an additional challenge in choosing a career in education, but her passion to help children remains a strong motivation. She told us a bit about her background, her aspirations as a young teacher and her views […]

3asyR: Ένα εργαλείο που κάνει το διάβασμά για τους δυσλεκτικούς ευκολότερο!

3asyR: Ένα εργαλείο που κάνει το διάβασμά για τους δυσλεκτικούς ευκολότερο!

Πηγή: 11/4/2016 Από την Αθανασία Στρέμπα Φωτογραφία: Αγγελική Μαυρομάτη Τα τελευταία χρόνια γίνεται μια έντονη συζήτηση γύρω από τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν ορισμένα παιδιά στο να διαβάσουν ή να γράψουν κάποιες λέξεις, φράσεις ή γράμματα. Οι δυσκολίες αυτές έχουν όνομα και τις λέμε«Δυσλεξία». Η δυσλεξία, λοιπόν, ορίζεται, σύμφωνα με την Διεθνή Ομοσπονδία Δυσλεξίας, ως […]