Tag: dyslexia

‘I was looking for a reading tool and I decided to create it’

‘I was looking for a reading tool and I decided to create it’

Source: Neos Kosmos, Melbourne,  Australia 07/09/2016 From Nikos Fotakis Mary Tsiana explains how she came up with 3asyR, a web plug-in that makes reading easier for dyslexics For most people, being dyslexic means missing out on opportunity. Mary Tsiana did the exact opposite. She used her dyslexia as an opportunity to create a tool that would […]

A dyslexic student who’s going to be a teacher!

A dyslexic student who’s going to be a teacher!

Britt Lippens is a 21 year old final year student in preschool education from Belgium. Being a dyslexic was an additional challenge in choosing a career in education, but her passion to help children remains a strong motivation. She told us a bit about her background, her aspirations as a young teacher and her views […]

3asyR: Ένα εργαλείο που κάνει το διάβασμά για τους δυσλεκτικούς ευκολότερο!

3asyR: Ένα εργαλείο που κάνει το διάβασμά για τους δυσλεκτικούς ευκολότερο!

Πηγή: Infowoman.gr 11/4/2016 Από την Αθανασία Στρέμπα Φωτογραφία: Αγγελική Μαυρομάτη Τα τελευταία χρόνια γίνεται μια έντονη συζήτηση γύρω από τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν ορισμένα παιδιά στο να διαβάσουν ή να γράψουν κάποιες λέξεις, φράσεις ή γράμματα. Οι δυσκολίες αυτές έχουν όνομα και τις λέμε«Δυσλεξία». Η δυσλεξία, λοιπόν, ορίζεται, σύμφωνα με την Διεθνή Ομοσπονδία Δυσλεξίας, ως […]

Inspiring teachers – Angelos Patsias

Inspiring teachers – Angelos Patsias

 Angelos  Patsias is the teacher that everyone would like to have. He is cool, pleasant, passionate and loves children a lot. What else would a kid want from his/her teacher? Love and understanding. I first met him at TEDxThessaloniki back in 2013, where he presented the work he did in Fourfoura, Crete. This year, he is […]

From dyslexia to entrepreneurship

From dyslexia to entrepreneurship

There are millions of dyslexics among us, but very few of their personal success stories have been heard. Julie Logan* at CBS London estimates that about 20% of the population in the UK who have started their own business have a learning disability condition. Urania Stamouli is an agronomist and professional beauty therapist. As a […]

Can dyslexics become academics? Yes!

Can dyslexics become academics? Yes!

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou grew up in Thessaloniki, Greece, but for the last three years she lived in Umeå, Sweden, and just recently moved to Oulu, Finland. She is dyslexic, but this didn’t prevent her from beginning an academic career. She enjoys long walks, music, board games and also speaks Greek, Swedish and English and is currently […]

Best Business plan award

Best Business plan award

A year after the first prize and long research and struggles, 3asyR received its second prize, this time for Best Business Plan idea, product of countless hours of work along with my team: Alex Binopoulos, developer, Vasiliki Chrysovitsioti, graphic designer and Martin I. Petrov, Press and PR officer. By succeeding in all three phases of the “Mary and John […]

Three Aspiring Professionals Succeeding in Greece

Three Aspiring Professionals Succeeding in Greece

Source : Huffington Post UK 27/05/2015 From Nikos Dimou Unemployment, nepotism, high taxes, small internal market, obstructive and dysfunctional public sector, low liquidity and lack of willing investors construe a hostile environment for professionals in a financially struggling Greece. Despite all adversities, three young people defy all odds, lead by example and serve as “beacons” […]

3asyR: Εργαλείο ανάγνωσης για άτομα με δυσλεξία

3asyR: Εργαλείο ανάγνωσης για άτομα με δυσλεξία

Πηγή: Pharma Journal 17/03/2015 Aπό τον Παναγιώτη Γαρουφαλίδη Φωτογραφία: Αγγελική Μαυρομάτη     Πριν από λίγες μέρες αναρτήθηκε στο διαδίκτυο το 3asyR, μια νέα ηλεκτρονική εφαρμογή που επιχειρεί να βοηθήσει άτομα με δυσλεξία να διαβάζουν online ευκολότερα και γρηγορότερα. Πρόκειται για ένα εργαλείο που προστίθεται στις λειτουργίες του περιηγητή (browser), το οποίο διευκολύνει τους χρήστες […]