Tag: tool

3asyR on IKEA website

3asyR on IKEA website

We are happy to announce that our latest client is 3asyR is on IKEA Greece, IKEA Bulgaria, and IKEA Cyprus website! You can find our tool down on the left side of the IKEA homepage. Enjoy your reading with 3asyR!    

3asyR wins the first price at the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017

3asyR wins the first price at the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017

We are happy to announce that 3asyR was the company that managed to get the first place at the Pitching event of the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017 that took place at Impact Hub Athens this Wednesday. 3asyR impressed everyone at the event, as an innovative tool that helps people with dyslexia and other kinds of […]

Ξεπεράστε το πρόβλημα της δυσλεξίας σας με την 3asyR ltd

Ξεπεράστε το πρόβλημα της δυσλεξίας σας με την 3asyR ltd

Πηγή: http://www.epixeiro.gr/ 13/06/2017 Από τον Στάθης Κετιτζιά Φωτογραφία από ‘Eκτορας Νικολάκης Η Μαρία Τσιάνα, CEO της εταιρίας 3asyR ltd. ίδρυσε μαζί με την Βασιλική Χρυσοβιτσιώτη την εταιρεία τον Αύγουστο του 2016, και σκοπός τους είναι να κάνουν την online ανάγνωση ανθρώπων με δυσλεξία και άλλες αναγνωστικές δυσκολίες ευκολότερη και γρηγορότερη. Με αφορμή τον διαγωνισμό του MITEF, η […]

3asyR launches the new version for websites

3asyR launches the new version for websites

3asyR officially announces the launch of a special new version for websites either educational and editorial or corporal. The tool offers more options and customization for each user and it will make their reading experience even more easy and fun. To use the tool the user will find it at the site where there will appear […]

The new Version of 3asyR is here!

The new Version of 3asyR is here!

3asyR has renewed its website that is now more user-friendly and easier to walk through. In the website you can find a detailed description of the tool’s options, a guide of how 3asyR works and a pricing table. Along with the website, 3asyR launches the new version of the plug in with enhanced and more […]

3asyR and Innoetics come together!

3asyR and Innoetics come together!

We are happy to announce that 3asyR has cooperated with Innoetics, a team of experts in the Text to Speech technology to provide its users with more options in order to enhance your online reading experience and make it even easier and even more enjoyable. The Text to Speech option offered by Innoetics has a […]

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR among the 25 best startups

3asyR successfully moves on to the next phase of the MITEF Greece startup competition.  As MIT Enterprise Forum Greece announced yesterday, 25 Semifinalists, among them 3asyR, have been selected to participate in seminars on business management that will last for three months. The Semifinalists cover a wide range of sectors as for example Internet and […]

Best Business plan award

Best Business plan award

A year after the first prize and long research and struggles, 3asyR received its second prize, this time for Best Business Plan idea, product of countless hours of work along with my team: Alex Binopoulos, developer, Vasiliki Chrysovitsioti, graphic designer and Martin I. Petrov, Press and PR officer. By succeeding in all three phases of the “Mary and John […]