3asyR sponsors the International Summer School

3asyR sponsors the International Summer School

3asyR proudly becomes a sponsor and supports the First International Summer School on “International Journalism and media organizations in a turbulent age: European and Asian Perspectives” which will take place from 16 to 23d of July 2017 in Thessaloniki Greece. The International Summer School is organised by the Department of Journalism and Mass Media Communications, the Jean Monnet Chair ““European Integration” of Deutsche Welle Academie and Beijing University of Foreign Studies and it will focus on the opportunities and challenges for reporting Asia and Europe, in times of an ever-changing digital world.

The version of 3asyR for websites is available at the official website of the Summer School for anyone who wants to try it and experience an easy reading online.



Easily App
Meet the author / Easily App

Easily App is an interactive online tool that will help dyslexics read online by underlining and highlighting material in online texts.

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