3asyR in the semifinals of GESA!

3asyR in the semifinals of GESA!

3asyR is among the 10 most promising European EdTech Startups at the Global EdTech Startups Awards 2017, also known as GESA.

In the competition participated more than 600 startups from 70 countries from all over the world. However, our tool managed to impress everybody as one of the most developed online tools for dyslexics not only in Europe, but also worldwide.


Now we are looking forward to hearing the results for the 3 finalists that will be announced by the judges in December. The 3 finalists will represent Europe at the final event in London in January. Stay tuned for any updates!


Easily App
Meet the author / Easily App

Easily App is an interactive online tool that will help dyslexics read online by underlining and highlighting material in online texts.

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