Author: Easily App

Easily App is an interactive online tool that will help dyslexics read online by underlining and highlighting material in online texts.

The Digital Gate award ceremony coming soon!

The Digital Gate award ceremony coming soon!

The award ceremony of the Digital Gate competition will take place on February 12. 3asyR is among the finalists and we are looking forward to the results. As part of the competition, there has been launched a pilot version of 3asyR on the website of the Athens International Airport. Stay tuned for updates! You can […]


3asyR on APE-MPE!

3asyR on APE-MPE!

We are very excited to announce that the Athens News Agency – Macedonian Press Agency has officially launched 3asyR on its website. The news agency aims to become even more accessible to dyslexics, as well as to people with any kind of reading disability and help them read easily and fast the news online. Social […]

3asyR in the semifinals of GESA!

3asyR in the semifinals of GESA!

3asyR is among the 10 most promising European EdTech Startups at the Global EdTech Startups Awards 2017, also known as GESA. In the competition participated more than 600 startups from 70 countries from all over the world. However, our tool managed to impress everybody as one of the most developed online tools for dyslexics not only […]

Let us know your opinion on 3asyR!

Let us know your opinion on 3asyR!

We would like to ask for a minute (literally, it should not take more than 60 sec) of your time to fill this form about 3asyR. Your opinion will help us to keep improving the product according to your needs! The 3asyR team.

3asyR is among the finalists at the Digital Gate II competition!

3asyR is among the finalists at the Digital Gate II competition!

We are proud to announce that 3asyR is among the finalists at the Digital Gate II competition. The competition aims to support and promote start up companies and innovative ideas. It is organised by the International Airport of Athens and supported by Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, ACEin. The winners will be nominated in January 2018, […]

3asyR wins the first price at the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017

3asyR wins the first price at the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017

We are happy to announce that 3asyR was the company that managed to get the first place at the Pitching event of the Start Tel Aviv Competition 2017 that took place at Impact Hub Athens this Wednesday. 3asyR impressed everyone at the event, as an innovative tool that helps people with dyslexia and other kinds of […]

To our Free Users – About New Version

To our Free Users – About New Version

The free version is not available anymore. Though, we offer you the new version for #free for the next 1 month as a way to thank you for choosing our tool and being part of our team. After this period you can choose the package that best suits you from our website with love, The […]

Ξεπεράστε το πρόβλημα της δυσλεξίας σας με την 3asyR ltd

Ξεπεράστε το πρόβλημα της δυσλεξίας σας με την 3asyR ltd

Πηγή: 13/06/2017 Από τον Στάθης Κετιτζιά Φωτογραφία από ‘Eκτορας Νικολάκης Η Μαρία Τσιάνα, CEO της εταιρίας 3asyR ltd. ίδρυσε μαζί με την Βασιλική Χρυσοβιτσιώτη την εταιρεία τον Αύγουστο του 2016, και σκοπός τους είναι να κάνουν την online ανάγνωση ανθρώπων με δυσλεξία και άλλες αναγνωστικές δυσκολίες ευκολότερη και γρηγορότερη. Με αφορμή τον διαγωνισμό του MITEF, η […]

3asyR sponsors the International Summer School

3asyR sponsors the International Summer School

3asyR proudly becomes a sponsor and supports the First International Summer School on “International Journalism and media organizations in a turbulent age: European and Asian Perspectives” which will take place from 16 to 23d of July 2017 in Thessaloniki Greece. The International Summer School is organised by the Department of Journalism and Mass Media Communications, […]

3asyR launches the new version for websites

3asyR launches the new version for websites

3asyR officially announces the launch of a special new version for websites either educational and editorial or corporal. The tool offers more options and customization for each user and it will make their reading experience even more easy and fun. To use the tool the user will find it at the site where there will appear […]